Planning Succession

guiding organizations to implement HEALTHY and EFFECTIVE leadership transitions

Our Framework
Coaching Options
Healthy & Effective
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You put a lot at risk when you don't plan well

  • Choices are influenced by apprehension in the unknown, rather than confidence in the journey.
  • Individuals become so engrossed in change that they lose sight of the mission.
  • The legacy of the transitioning leader is remembered as a cautionary tale rather than a source of motivation.
  • The chance to demonstrate confident humility is missed.
  • Progress stalls as individuals adopt a "wait and see" attitude.
  • The opportunity to serve as a role model for other leaders and organizations slips away.

The Planning Succession Framework

Sherpa's planning framework is a collections of tools and resources organized around six conversations every Board should have an answer for.

Helping our transitioning leader (and their spouse!) prepare for their next season


Anticipating and proactively addressing areas that could become disruptive


Developing a holistic transition process


Inspiring confidence and continued investment


Managing the search process


Preparing for the unplanned


James R. - Retired

"When our team first started talking about my transition it felt like this slippery amoeba-shaped thing that would constantly slip through our fingers and pop up somewhere else in a different form. Sherpa's planning process helped immensely as it turned succession into something our team could actually grab onto."

Coaching Options

Sherpa helps leaders plan succession in three ways.

Good option for...

  • Leaders who want to process privately
  • Teams that want to plan at their own pace
  • Organizations that need resources on a budget
Online Resources

Good option for...

  • Leaders who want real-time feedback
  • Teams that need a flexible coaching schedule
  • Organizations that need coaching on a budget
Virtual Coaching

Good option for...

  • Leaders who value collaborative planning
  • Teams looking for a focused time together
  • Organizations that want personalized coaching
Onsite Workshops

What do HEALTHY & EFFECTIVE leadership successions look like?

Healthy successions...

  • ensure the people impacted feel cared for, respected, and heard
  • navigate pushback and conflict with grace, confidence, and clarity
  • create opportunities for leaders to have honest and open conversations about challenges that need to be addressed

Effective successions...

  • are holistic in nature, meaning leaders aren't caught off guard by issues they didn't think to consider
  • inspire trust and confidence in people as a result of holistic and thoughtful planning
  • result in finding successors who respect your history, fit your culture, and have the ability to move the organization forward

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