Succession Planning Questions From the SBCAL

Over the past few days I have had the priviledge of being a part of the Southern Baptist Conference of Associational Leaders annual meeting. As is my custom, during one of the breakout sessions I asked the participants to share whatever succession/transition related question they had on their mind. I thought it would be interesting (perhaps helpful?) to share the questions these leaders asked.

Some, I have heard before. Others were new. All are important to grapple with.

  • What is the succession process that most likely fails?
  • Is the length of the succession plan dependent upon the tenure of the pastor?
  • How do you initiate conversations with a pastor preparing for retirement?
  • How does a pastor initiate a transition conversation?
  • How do I transition from pastor to AMS?
  • How soon is too soon? How late is too late?
  • Who should be involved in the conversation?
  • Are there unique considerations for a founding pastor?
  • What issues are unique to non-anglo congregations?
  • Should a current pastor have a role in choosing his successor?
  • Who initiates the succession conversation?
  • How do we reconcile the pastor’s preferred succession plan with the church’s prefered plan?
  • How do we do a mid-career overlap?

Which of these questions have you been wrestling with?

What other questions do you have?

For more information about the SBCAL click the link below. This is a wonderful organization.

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